woops sorry noticed an email to help on paypal. but does that mean the donation on here is not valid anymore? or maybe updated to other stages for the full game? i wont lie i like that anvia drunken fighter and her possible casino stage( if i had to guess)
hey are you still doing this on here and where would one pay this to? i could perhaps do this in like uhmmm august or september( though in small payments in total of 400) i did it on your kickstarter but thats down now( was brandon Harper and donated 600) so i dont know how else to donate to your cause. also i dont care whether my character is in your demo or not (as awesome as it is and i already am from your kick starter) i just want to help in your cause to make a animated fighting game. ps ignore my user name it is a bomb with the beanie the hat on it. if you need to contact me my email is beanybomber@hotmail.com